UTIs have to be the worst kind of torture imaginable. They make you feel like you are dying when they go septic. At that point, you really are dying.
In October 2016, I woke up one morning and felt like my whole bladder was throbbing and aching. I also felt like I needed to empty my bladder. It was only 5 AM, Jeff was still sleeping at his apartment, and it was way too early for Melody or Lauren to be there. Luckily they always left a basin full of packaged clean catheters on my bedside table, and a basin to put the bags of pee that disconnected from the straight catheters as well as the used catheters there as well.
When I tried to self-cath, it burned so badly that I almost screamed and only about 25 ml came out. Ten minutes later I felt like I had to pee again. Again, only about 25 ml came out. At that point, the pain was already so bad that I felt like I was dying and I hadn’t even hit the worst of it yet.
Septic Urinary Tract Infections or Septic UTIs are not fun for everyone. Most people will get a couple of UTIs over their lifespan. I however am a catheter user, which means I get a UTI almost once every two months. Often times they go septic and spread to my bloodstream, becoming a life-threatening medical emergency. A septic UTI goes beyond what most normal people experience, they are excruciatingly painful, like being stabbed up the urethra by a knife, and they cause high fevers. If not treated rapidly enough they become lethal.
I never know when I am going to get one either. Back in October of 2016, Jeff and I were just going about our normal routine.
During the first week of November, I started having that familiar urinary urgency and pain. I was attempting to catheterize myself constantly. Each time I catheterized all I got out was a few dribbles. Really, my bladder was empty, but I was having spasms. The spasms were making me feel like I had to pee so badly. Right off the bat, I knew I had yet another UTI.